Glacier Macro (Update 8/10)

I don’t know if mem conservation works inside macros. :?:

I get insufitient memory at 1024 :mrgreen: (on a 512MB PC)
I was thinking on making some changes to that macro for that…
There is not much to do about that big erosion device, but there is a branch of 5 devices that could be hidden behind a Multi-Splitter (possibly replacing the swtich with a Multi-Chooser), and one or two devices could be deleted (not being used)

But the macro is still under development, so it will probably suffer some fine tuning later.

I don't know if mem conservation works inside macros. :?:
It worked for me, I managed to get a result from the macro, though it ran out of memory at 1024 :P

Which devices du you think could be left out?
(I’ll propably remove the option to use own terrains - that function should be placed in an extra macro)

Sethren, I had the same problem, but if you ‘install’ the glacier macro, it should clear it up.


Which devices du you think could be left out? (I'll propably remove the option to use own terrains - that function should be placed in an extra macro)
Oh, sorry, I was using the TMD from Javajones, your macro has them out already. About the "draw on own terrain" option.. That could be done using the pull-up device (in place of the switch), because if there is no input on the 2nd port, the Pull-up will ingore it and transfer the 1st input to the Output.

I’m confused now. JavaJones had said the .tmd was made in World Machine Pro so i was under the assumption that certain key functions only found within the Pro version can only read his variant of the .tmd file.

BTW I have the glacier macro installed as well.

In fact, you don’t need to have a macro to use a tmd - it is saved within the tmd.

There are no special alpha functions in the macro… and JavaJones propably didn’t add any.
No - the fact that a tmd was created causes this error. (propably due to minor changes to all devices or something)

Oh OK! :slight_smile:

Yes, I should have mentioned it is probably usable with a little hacking/tuning. It’s just that having been created with an unreleased version it will give you errors by default.

The unused devices were part of my experimentation along the way and definitely can be removed. :smiley:

  • Oshyan

That sounds reasonable. :slight_smile:


I tried to improve the macro…

  • better control over the shape of the glacier
  • better mask output, own structure can now be applied easily using a combiner, mode: “multiply”
  • less devices/memory used
  • includes an adapter macro to use your own terrain instead of heavily eroded one the macro creates

I called it b(beta) because its hard for me to test it due to the extreme (low) speed of my pc. :?

Rock On!

Thanks Nikita!
