grafik problems with worldmachine 1.25 standart

Good morning,

After a re installation of my system (Win Xp Pro) Worldmachine is displaying… well, this:

But this only happens at Preview an with larger worldsizes.
Does anyone have an idea, why?

thx for help an excusing my bad english gg

The reason for “why” is philosophically linked with the true boolean - and thus incomprehensible - nature of the computer being! … or something like that… :smiley:

Well, no! I have no clue :stuck_out_tongue: I can only suggest you to re-install the graphics driver… Unless by some reason, only the older drivers behaved decently, and these don’t… hmm, did you upgrade anything? DirectX or something like that?
Are you running on a laptop or desktop PC ? (PCs tend to be more fixable with driver updates than laptops, I think)
But a “driver issue” is the most plausible thing that could be happening…

Still, can you tell us what world sizes your are using, and preview size an such? Thanks!


thx for your reply.
Most time i use worldsizes up to 25km/pixel, at 4096² and im using a pc.
Ill try to reinstall the drivers, thx for this hint.
If this does not fix my problem, ill post it.
otherway thanks for your help :wink:
