HDD Cache device

Following prior discussions about caching abilities of the already built data on HDD, I was thinking that maybe instead building such a feature in the already existing devices we have in WM 2.3, would be easier to have a dedicated HDD Cache device that will do exactly this: cache the data on HDD.
Ill try to describe below the way I see such a device working. I dont know if is possible but I do hope it is.
Instead of saving the session on HDD after working on a scene file I would use a HDD Cache device and I will choose myself the name of the cache file and the location where to write the data. Maybe I can use the same cached data on another scene by loading the data from disk saved in the previous scene because that branch of the device is identical in both scenes. Once the data is cached by the HDD Cache device, if we choose to build the scene again, the devices places upstream the cache device will not be computed, unless we chose to delete the cache from disk in the HDD Cache device window interface. Or if we change the name of the cache file. By changeing the name of the cache data file can be created different versions for a terrain preserving the cache on disk for each version.
That means that the RAM is free of data cached by the HDD Cache device and the very moment I click on the Build button, the data is loaded from HDD during the scene build process in memory (RAM), and after it`s used by the next device will be discarded from memory.
I hope my description makes sense and it is possible to build such a device.

Hi there,

Something very much like this was the original goal of the Checkpoint device – to let you arbitrarily put to sleep portions of the network and load the results instead from a disk cache. It is definitely worthwhile and provides more fine-grained control when you are only working on a section of the network.

Due to a couple issues that and not wanting to push back the release of the software this functionality was excluded, and the Checkpoint instead became simply a grouping/routing tool. However, more advanced checkpointing is still definitely a good idea that could make a return appearance!

OOhh yeah, having a checkpoint device with these HDD caching features included would be really great. It will indeed enhance workflow and work speed in WM and not to mention the memory management.
Funny enough, I used exactly the Checkpoint device icon for the HDD cache mockup. I thought the best place for such a device would be the ‘Flow Control’ tab. :slight_smile:

Many thanks. :smiley: