height map output in SRGB (gamma) or linear space?

When reading the pixel values out of the output image files, do we need to do any conversion to get a linear height value?



Hi there,

the output values are linear, so just use them as-is.



So would this apply to all images output from WM, or just height? I assume just the height is linear /non-gamma compressed?


Hi again,

I should probably follow up in more detail:

Heightmaps are of course intrinsically linear things – there really is no good reason to gamma correct a heightmap as it has no perceptual/physical rationale or purpose. So all things height related work straight-through with no adjustments which is just what you’d expect.

WM’s color support is an exact extension of its heightfield(grey) to multiple channels. Despite this, it would be better to say that its native colorspace is sRGB as no attempts are made to adjust inputs or outputs to/from a linear space. So for example, sRGB texture inputs, or RGB color triplets will not be de-Gamma’d, and colors are not gamma’d before display.

Makes sense. Thanks again!