Height maps imported to Terragen squashed?


I’ve been fooling with WM for a couple days, but I keep running into a problem. When I export the WM height maps to terragen, the resulting terrain is extremely lacking in height. What were great craigs in WM wind up being semi-rough hills in Terragen.

Is there anything that can be done about this, or is this just the limitation of using a 512x512 height map?

You must change the vertical height in terragen :
Landscape window > Modify…
Then, change height ranges by setting the values manually or by using the “scale vertical” button.

All right, I did that, but things still don’t scale correctly.

If I set the terrain height to, say, 1080m in WG and set the detail to 30mpp, I should use the same settings in TG, correct?

If I do that, the terrain still appears squashed when compared to the WM view. If I start resizing the features in TG, things get exaggerated.

They won’t be exagerated if you resize the features only a little… Instead of resizing them by 200%, you could try resizing them by 150%, more or less ?

I think there may be some differences between WM (v.99) representation and TG. And that WM doesn’t export the height information in .TER files, and also that the values for height may differ to TG…

Try positioning your camera in TG roughtly in the same place as it is in WM. Then manually scale things.

Also, it may help if you do this in a different terrain, one with less confusion on it. Something that looks like a heavily terraced version of the terrain. Something that is simple to see in WM and try to match in TG.
The idea would be to output this simplified terrain in WM with the settings you have, and then input it in TG to adjust TG’s parameters and match the scales there…

V1.0 will have a better support for these settings, so this is just a workarround for v.99