Height of shape doesn't change

I’m new to this and feel that I must be missing something about WM2. I create a polygon shape and have a bunch of vertex points. They are all set to a default value. I select a number of them and change the elevation of them using the slider, the vertex then appears yellow instead of white. And when I select them later, the correct height appears on the up/down slider – so it seems to remember the data ok. Problem is, the shapes are always level at the default height. I figured that it should be averaging between the vertex heights, not having the whole thing keep at the default value. If someone can guide me past my stupidity, it will be much appreciated. Am using the WM2 pro 64 bit version. Thanks!

Bump for a response. I’m an existing version 1 user. I use WM for mapping, and this is a pretty crucial issue for me to justify the cost of an upgrade.

Anyone? I’d love to upgrade and get this functionality, but not if it doesn’t work.

Sometimes, setting the vertex height via the slider a second time works.

nikita, are you saying it works for you? Is the basic version out of date?

I’m still looking for confirmation that this works with the non-basic version and/or acknowledgment from someone official who knows whether this will be fixed or not.

Oops, I thought you meant Lines - sorry.
Polygon shapes don’t support changing single vertex heights afaik. Sorry.
But I think you can expect it to appear in future releases.

Yes, in a polygon, all vertices must be of the same height at the moment. It’s been requested a few times. It would have its uses for example in creating escarpments. I did find one workaround for what I wanted to do but having amore flexible poly would be so much better.
