Height Selector??

How do you use the height selectors properly?

Whenever i create a height selector i cant work out how to make it only include the bottom of my terrain and not the top etc?

Damn sliders confuse me lol

Thanks for any help, RT

Hi there,

The height selector device creates a new terrain based on the height of the input one. Every point of the original terrain that is in the height range defined by both sliders, will be set to the highest possible value, in the output terrain. Everything else will decay down to 0, depending on the fuzzyness setting and the the falloff type.

The two sliders on the left define the height range to be selected, like in the clamp device. What ever is in that range (in blue) will be the highest positions on the resulting terrain. If you want to select only the top of a terrain, move both sliders up. In that case, you will only be selecting the places with height=1. Then move the fuzziness slider al the way to the left, so you only select that height. You will get a 0/1 binary-like terrain, that is either 0 or 1 in height. Veeeery steep canions!!.. To select the bottom part, move the left sliders all the way down.

Linear and exponential, control the “decay” of the selection. a linear falloff will keeping the original “slope’s proportion” until the fallof is reached. The exponential setting will reduce the influence of the original slope as the decay falls…
I don’t know if I was clear with this, but try playing with it for a while. Set the height sliders to something known, and vary the fuzziness to see what happens.
