How do you tell the height of a feature in WM?

I can’t figure out how to determine the height of a WM terrain, and the height markers within the terrain. I don’t know the unit system used and how to access it. Is it ‘University of Technology’ units like Terragen, is it the terrain height/100? Just how can I tell where to put my beach using the beach macro and compare it to the terrace height of the first terrace? If I want to set a clamp, how can I get it at just the right height so that it cuts off the top 10% of a dune I made in the dune macro and not one bit more? How does it show itself in the various modifiers (Erosion, Terrace etc.) and in the macros?
This seems like too good an app. to not have some sort of universal reference built in to it, so it must just be my inability to see the obvious.
(That is nothing new to me. :oops: ) This is really interfering with my ability to do things in WM, so I don’t mind sounding dumb by asking as long as I get the info I can use.

Well, in WM, height values span from 0 to 1!
so 10% of maximum height would be 0.10
I don’t know what ‘University Technology’ is, but if you are referring to a quick-and-dirty, keep-it-simple unit making skill, I think I can say that WM has that built into it :slight_smile: But I don’t want to get into the discussion of the differences between engineer thoughts and designer thoughts :slight_smile: Things come out as they seem right at the time…
Anyway… If you really want to clamp something to precisely 10% of its size, you can’t (*), in WM. it’s either 9% or 11%, because the clamp device doesn’t allow you to enter a value in a text box. As an engineer, I think placing text boxes all over the place would be nice, but somebody wouldn’t agree with me: It is true that it is much simpler to interact with sliders…

(*) - you can if you take advantage of a bug in WM v.99, by choosing 9%, clicking ok, exiting the “device properties” window, double clicking it again, and the 0.090 will be incremented to 0.100; but that is cheating! :wink:

Regarding terraces, the height of one terrace is trickier to estimate… It should be 1/7th of 1 (for 7 terraces), but if you use the Terrace Modulation input, you are complicating things a bit, because the height of the first terrace, will be influenced by that input in that place… Somewhere else, it might be a different height… I could talk about the influence of the terrace Method parameter as well, but I will end up saying “forget it” :stuck_out_tongue:
So I think the best way to make a beach below the first terrace, is to make a beach, make a terrace, and start changing parameters until the ed result is the one you like best…
WM v.99 has more too do with practice that math…