How to combine worlds

I have generated some beutiful mountains. I also can make large flatter areas. But I can’t figure out how to create a large flat type world and put my mountains right in the middle. Anything I generate seems to end up making a world that has the same features basically going on forever. I’d like to gradually fade from one type to another and make many different types of terrain on one “world” Probably easy but I’m not seeing the right device to do it.

Thanks a lot!

Check out the Chooser (in the Combiners tab). It allows you to mix two terrains using a mask.

Thanks. I used a gradient on the C input of the chooser to get them to mix. Problem now seems to be that my mountains need a world hieght at 16000m and the “flat” terrain looks like mountains at that hieght. Is there a way to force the flat terrain to stay much lower than the mountain area?

Yes - just use the Clamp device to adjust the height range of a heightfield.

wow! That works about perfect. With a more natural blending than the gradient it’s going to make some insane stuff.

I think I found a bug. When importing devices it will also import the group windows. If those windows overlap an existing group there seems to be no way of getting the group windows apart.

Anyone who has not played with mixing different worlds this way better clear their schedule for awhile cause it is extremely addicting. Be sure and use a chooser to mix the colors as well. Getting some great looking stuff.

I’ll take a look at the group window import bug!

Where would be the best place to place the “clamp”? I’m combining Acid World Flow example and Simple Texturing examples. The simple texturing looks good at 16000m and acid world flow I’m trying to keep it at 2650m But I’m not sure where to put the clamp to keep it looking as it does at the default elevation?

I’m not sure I really understand your problem but nobody’s stopping you from using one fork of your path for texturing and another for the heightfield.

The terrian I’m trying to keep at the 2650 level is not keeping it’s appearence or hieght when the world alltitude is at 16000. I thought I could use a clamp but I’m getting it to work out right.