I’ve just downloaded World Machine and been playing around with it and reading the forums and what not, and I am amazed. I got my height map into my engine and running within 5 mins. I would like to know or just a basic explanation on how to go about creating something like this http://world-machine.com/user_gallery/oshyan_1.html and im just wondering how the textures were generated. Thank you in advanced, Jared.
Hehe, well I must say I’m flattered. That’s a pretty old image, which used a pretty old verson of WM, and in fact a fairly simple Terragen surface map as well. It was my first scene made with the registered version of Terragen after I got that, so I was using a 2049 terrain for the first time. I did some detail comparisons and whatnot at that time.
Anyway, getting a bit off topic. I actually shared all the data to make this scene quite a while ago, including the WM .tmd. However it was for WM .99 or even .98, so it probably wouldn’t work in 1.2x. As best I recall essentially it just consisted of a simple Perlin Generator on Ridge type, fairly default settings, perhaps 2.5km scale. That was then masked or multiplied by another Perlin on Standard, fairly default settings, similar scale. Then I used a Transform (Simple Transform) set to medium-high Canyonize and Glaciate, to get bulkier mountain peaks and broader valleys (I would use a Curves device now for finer control). Finally the whole thing was run through a fairly strong fluvial erosion. I think that was about it. I output at 2049 and setup the rest of the scene in Terragen.
In Terragen I think I used 8-10 surface maps, I think 2 for the snow, 2-3 for the rock, and then the rest for vegetation, and one for flowers (the purple stuff). It was fairly simple, really. The clouds are 2D - fairly unusual for me as I mostly prefer the “3D” ones. There were also some minor tweaks to atmosphere.
I can probably dig up the source files if you really want to take a look. You’re welcome to learn anything you can from them. But I can tell you the best thing I did back at that time to get images I liked was simply to experiment, both with WM and TG. As you can see from the above description it does not take complexity - either in your WM network or your Terragen (or other renderer) settings, textures, etc. - to create a nice image. Mostly I would say that particular image succeeded due to colors and camera position, actually.
Anyway let me know if I can help any further.
- Oshyan