Is limiting "slopes" possible?


I’m trying to use WM2 to build a heightmap for Skyrim.

This software is great and I’m getting better and better at fine tuning my landscapes everyday, but now I’m facing a limitation in Skyrims’ engine.

The problem is Skyrim’s terrain mesh is not high poly enough to manage too sudden height drops and rises, so I get rips in the mesh when I use detailed maps from WM. Actually it can reproduce details like erosion channels pretty well, as far as the channels’ sides are not too steep.

I can select these problematic areas through the slope selector, but then again, I cant take care of them directly.

Is there any way or any device that could help me smooth up these slopes without having to re-set the whole chain to dim erosions?

Thank you =)

Hi there,

I’d suggest using the Thermal Erosion device – effectively, it will selectively blur areas of the terrain that have a slope above the active rock slope that you specify. You will have to find the right slope angle that preserves the features you want but smooths the steepest sections.

Good news!! =)

I’ve found a way to smooth up all those bad slopes with a different, faster and less “erosive” method!!

I’ve set a slope selector with a medium falloff range to selectively chose the areas that could cause tears in Skyrim’s terrain meshes; then I’ve set a simple transform with the smoothing filter at max (could have tuned it a bit better, but I preferred to check the max achievable effect) so that the smoothing was limited to the specific areas and surroundings.

Then I’ve set a copy of these two devices to follow the first ones to refine the last bad areas, but with a narrow slope selector falloff.

Worked great!!! No tears in the terrain meshes for my Skyrim worldspace!! =)