Island Gen, Radial Blur, and Mask Bound Plus

I though I would share a few of my recent macros, the however require the registered version, and plug-in Pack #1, as they use Blur, Expand, and Equalizer.

Hope someone finds them useful.

Island Gen: Limits the primary input to an island or atoll.

Radial Gradient: This macro generates, well a Radial Gradient.

Mask Bound Plus: This macro builds terrain based around its mask input. Designed primarily to aid in conversion of black & white image maps to terrains. Simply use “file Import” as the mask input and any Foreground input will be limited to the masked area. An optional background input is also provided.

Download all three here:


James Stuart Johnson
J. Stuart J. Production Art & Imaging

James, this is great work. All are very well put together, stable, and very customizable macros. Well done! So now the question must be who are you and how come we haven’t seen your work here before? You’re clearly good at this stuff! Or, if we have seen it, how come I don’t remember? :wink:

  • Oshyan

I agree! The macros are simple and powerfull, and their layout it clear and organized. Each of them is acompanied by a shrt text explaining things and the requirements for it to run. They show the dedication you’ve put into them. Either that or you’re a pro! Do you have practice in VLSI circuit layout making? Just kiding!
Very nice contribution!

I played a bit with your radial gradient, and managed to make an almost conical one from yours… Using Oshyan’s suggestion, I used the curves device to try and make the top of the gradient more “pointy”… It is a bit tricky but it is possible to get a more pointy gradient, more looked like a linear-slope gradient. Unfortunately the real tip of the cone never goes “pointy” :stuck_out_tongue:
My best approximation before, had been using lots of gradients with angles from 0 to 90, and combining them with min, but that turned out to look very faceted (when not using blur), and it took a lot of devices (pacience and time)

Oh, and I loved that island maker, espetially the “crater on/off” parameter :slight_smile:


Well thanks glad you like them.

Where have I been? Well…. to be honest forgot about this forum. I was updating my master software archive and decided to pop in to check on farther developments before I burned my DVD. Upon reading this forum I ran across a post that sparked the idea for Mask Bound Plus. I will try to do better and will try post more here in the future perhaps it will help spark the community or generate ideas for future macros.

The Island maker was my first real experiment with World Machine. If you will find a thread where I requested a radial gradient device.

A pro, I wish I could get paid to working with World Machine. I did use Amiga Vision years ago it was a Node like multi-media authoring application.

World Machine’s learning curve is nothing compared MojoWorld 2.0 (Which I am still working on) The learning curve is a testament to World Machine. But it helps to have 18+ years of professional digital prepress, retouch, and computer imaging experience.

James Stuart Johnson
J. Stuart J. Production Art & Imaging

hmmm, Well I wasn’t as impressed with island generater as Java was. Don’t get me wrong, technicly it’s excellent, but it just dosen’t give me what I want. {yes I’m hard to please.}
Now radial gradient I love. When I first used it the terrain I got looked like a angled impack crater; I liked it. I cracked it open to see what made it tick and couldn’t beleave how simple it was. Hope you don’t mind me adding some parameters to it so I can play. And after seeing how you did this I think you have helped solve a problem I am having with my “cliffs and slopes” macro; thanks.

Didn’t think would have much use for “mask bounus plus”, but I played around with it anytway. The first terrain it gave me looked like a lillypad covered pound. Cool, I’ll have to play with this one a bit more.

I wouldn’t expect it to give you what you what as I have not idea what you wanted when I created it. :smiley:

To be honest it doen’t do I realy wanted either but it’s close, but not quite. It was the first thing I created and I have learned a lot since so hopefully I can improve it in the future. I mostly tweek my work in Leveller afterword so meet specific requirements.

Feel free to rip apart Radial Gradient and do what you will, Try adding a ramp to the mix it creates a nice banding effect.

Mask bound Plus, Basicly it help solve a specific problem. I needed to match the general outline of a terrain pencil sketch I made so I scanned the sketch, Created a black & White based on the sketch in Photoshop and then used Mask Bound Pro to help limit the terrain in World based on that mask. It haven’t found much use for it otherwise but some one might.

J. Stuart J.
J. Stuart J. Production Art & Imaging

As soon as it is up, I will start a new thread for my “gradifier” . You are about to see what I do best, modify. Thanks again J. Stuart J