I am using World Machine pro to generate a heightmap and I am them importing it into the Hero Engine as a leveller file.
The only is that the terrain is mirrored when i import it into the Hero Engine.
See the picture below, the grey is the heightmap imported into Hero and the green is a 2d view in world machine.
I have posted this on the Hero forums as well just incase its an issue with importing but I thought I would post here just incase I am doing somthing wrong in World Machine.
Internally WM uses a bottom-left origin system, whereas many bitmap formats use a top-left origin. Most of the bitmap formats correct for this, but its quite possible the leveller format is not; I can check
I’ve just checked and confirmed that RAW format exports as expected in normal and tiled builds… orientation is correct when opening in either World Machine or Photoshop. I’m not sure what to make of the discrepancy!
I know a lot of people on the Hero Forums use this as thats where I found out abo World Machine and I am sure they dont have this issue as I posted there as well.
Also getting the same thing with unity…
I will check to see what my exported maps are like in Photoshop.
i’m having the same problem with tiff bitmap heightfield… the heightmap flips, but the basic coverage bitmap doesn’t, which i have to correct in photoshop everytime
As Remnant said, some game engines read the heightmap starting from top-left. Unity is an example. If you’re not using tiled builds you can use the flipper device to just flip the heightmap before exporting it.