Just bought WM

Hello everybody I just bought the registred version of world machine today. However, there is a porblem. I bought it because of the “registred only” functions. Terrain size works properly, but I can’t find the Expander, Blur, Curves Transform, and Equalize devices. Is this a known problem? Could you please explain how to get these things?

Best regards, Planetscape

They’re not included in the standard download, as you found. I believe currently you need to contact Stephen privately to get those devices, although I would think once he was notified of your registration he would send them to you automatically. I haven’t seem him around for a few days so I presume he is off on holdidays, but he should be back soon and will either see that you are registered and send along the extra plugins, or will see this message and do the same. If this hasn’t been resolved within a few days, post again here and I’ll see if I can do anything more.

  • Oshyan

The link to the registered version special decives is included in the registration email. If you didn’t get that email, make sure you send a email to support@world-machine.com


I’ve registered WorldMachine in August this year and there wasn’t any link to “special devices”…
any chance to get them?
email to support@world-machine.com ?


Just head on over to http://update.world-machine.com/

the download link is available there. The plugins only work with the registered edition, so there’s no secrecy in that link. :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot, 8)
that’s fairly easy :smiley:

Gotta use that search more often. Came on here to ask this vary same question. :wink: