Large tiled UE4 Import bad

Hey all I am having issues importing a continental sized world machine tiled build into ue4 I’ve provided some screenshots below regarding what is going on.
If anyone has any suggestions or tips they’re greatly appreciated, thank you.

The terrain

Project settings

Tiled settings

UE4 Imported result

As you can see not only is the height messed up, but the tiles are not pieced together properly either an there are various strips that don’t match facing different directions etc…

How do you import your terrain in UE4? As you are using a tiled build, you must use World Composition. You don’t need to flip Y either in WM nor in UE4 import, just un-tick this box. To import in UE4 World Composition, leave the X and Y sizing at 100 (or you may use 200, 300, 400 but I’d suggest not to multiply too much else you’ll have a very bad terrain resolution), you may want to increase the Z scaling a bit, like 2 times the X or Y factor. Once imported into UE4 World Composition, click the Summon World Composition button and you’ll need to re-order the tiles: if you have 6 tiles, interchange the positions of x0_y0 and x0_y5 and so on (x0_y1 with x0_y4 etc.). This is working very well then, there is not gap between tiles and the terrain height looks just like in WM.

Note that your BUILD RESOLUTION is critical, if you scale the terrain in UE at 100 x 100, it will assume 1m/pixel, and if you export from WM in 383m/pixel, this will make the terrain very small so you will have to increase the scale in UE a lot. A terrain at 383m/pixel in UE would not be very nice looking while close to the ground and be hard to sculpt for such use. To compare, Skyrim, from 2011, used 45cm/pixel if I remember correctly.

I am like you I want to know how to fix it, please tell me

UE4 is a bit of an oddball, in terms of importing scales.
512 is the height reference, if your world machine extent has a maximum height of 2048 (always pick multiples of 512!!), then your Z scale should be 400.
For orizontal scales it’s the opposite: 512 (or 505?) as the reference, if you import a 2048x2048px heightmap, your X/Y scale should be 25.

And that’s it, it more or less works in multiples of 512. It works like a charm.

I dont know anything about World Composition, but I assume previous answers are correct.

Also, remember that UE4 calculates the zero height halfway throught the range, as it goes from 512 to -512.
Assuming your maximum (possible) height in WM is 2048 meters, if you want your terrain to be automatically imported at UE’s zero, you should set your terrain zero at 1024 meters in WM (bring your water level at 1024 meters by adding a constant generator to the whole terrain so that they add up to 1024).