Largest World size?


Just bought WM and I am using it for Crysis. When creating a 2048x2 terrain the 3d preview appears a bit lowrez. Is that just for the preview? I then tried changing the world size detail and I do not actually get what it is doing. I want to make a 2km Square map with a heightmap 1:1 resolution. So I set the “largest world size” to 2.28 (does not allow more accurate moving of the slider). Then the whole terrain appears to be reduced to a small square. what exactly is going on here?

The resolution of the 3D preview can be adjusted in the preferences, but it’s limited to 1024² no matter what resolution the terrain actually has.
Largest World Size doesn’t affect resolution, it’s a measure for the width of the terrain in real world units. Most applications allow you to adjust the width afterwards so you don’t really have to bother with that parameter inside wm.