Layout generator too slow for use with custom / complex shapes

I’m not sure if this is regression or has always been there, but layout generator is prohibitively slow, not only at generation time (this is fine) but at design time, if i draw or import a shape with 30+ points over a small area WM stays stuck for a solid 30+ seconds trying to update the world before it stops hanging.
It seems to be generation related but in preview (the generation effect you can see directly on the layout), an option to disable generation while importing / tweaking would be really nice for this if speed can’t be improved but i’m sure it could be (i’m surprised it’s this slow, generating displacement from a few lines sounds a lot less complex than other devices?)

Any news on this?

Yes… this is something that has long been on the fix list.

I actually already have a feature branch that speeds up layout generation by a factor of 10x to 1000x compared to the current version – the problem is that it necessarily renders some situations (such as overlapping areas of paths) differently, breaking existing worlds that rely on that functionality. Because of that, I haven’t pushed it out as a main feature.

Integrating features like this is the absolute next thing on the todo list once multi-res support is out.