Lines joining in the Layout Generator

I’ve been running into a re-occuring problem in the lay out generator.

I have created two lines that are used for roads. One of the lines ends along the other line, like a road joining another road. The vertex was welded together so that when it’s moved, the other road is adjusted accordingly. It all behaves fine when I am in the Layout Generator View.

When I do a build and look at the terrain in the 3d view, then go back to the Layout Generator view with the road lines, very often, they will have vertexs that have jumped to the welded vertex location.

I can faithfully reproduce it by selecting a vertex, then right clicking to get the height level indicator to display, set the new height and release the mouse button. Vertexs will then jump and connect like in the image I have included. It seems to do it when you enter a precise value as well. When I create a entirely new line, it doesn’t seem to want to behave incorrectly like the other one.

I can send you the world machine file if you would like.

I am using World Machine 2 Professional Edition Site License.