lost macro when saved

Hey there
I have an issue, i made a macro and did not save it to library because it wasnt finished yet and i dont like it to cluther
So i saved a tmd with a macro inside it to finish it today
Now i openend the file and it says i havent got all the devices made to build this tmd file
What to do? :o

Or is it needed to save your macro else the tmd wont work anymore?

It does this with everything i save just like 2.2 but it doesnt crash
It saves and when i want to open ot again its says i havent got the devices i need

Hi there,

What version are you running?

Can you send an example world file that is not loading correctly to support@world-machine.com for analysis?

2.6 basic
I will send the file in ten minutes or so

File is send!

Thanks for checking!

Your file exposed a bug in the parameter handling in the current version of WM.

I will be fixing this, but for now the important thing to note is to make sure all of your selection-type (enum) parameters in your macros have at least one selection value associated with it.

I will re-save the file you sent me and send it back to you corrected shortly.

Alright!! :smiley:
Loads of thanks!!!
Ill make sure to do so

Thats also why my other files gone bad

Well at least its getting fixed

Just to make sure…
This happends only when parameter is connected?
Or also when disconnected?

It loaded perfectly…
Thanks i get it now