Macro's Loose Automation Scalar Variable Names when Saved to Macro Library

Hi Stephen,

I have been working with automation recently so I have been using the automation scalar nodes to build large macro’s. These macro’s work fine till they are saved to the macro library at which point they loose the variable naming?

The macro I noticed this on has 40 automation scalars. So having to go and rename the variables each time I want to use this macro in a tmd scene is not practical and kind of defeats the point of the macro concept.

I am having to use “Import Devices” to load this macro into scenes that I want to use it on. Can you patch this issue? The version I am using is Pro



Hi there,

I will take a look at this issue shortly and see what I can make of it.



Good catch! This is a simple bug and the fix will be in the next version at which point you will be able to use the macros as you desire to store automation variables.


Thanks for the quick response on this issue, I look forward to the next pushed dev build.

Hi Stephen,

Another issue with automation scalar I am trying to debug, which you may be able to answer. If I have a macro with automation scalars and this macro is inside another macro will the variables be recognized when I run WM from a script. Currently I having an issue with this type of set-up. Would it be possible for you to confirm that a macro inside another macro should work with automation scalars?



EDIT: This issue was caused by the block being after the block in the xml file.