I was recently reminded that all my macros formerly hosted on ashundar aren’t online anymore, so I moved them to my own webspace with screenshots and short descriptions in english and german:
I’ve also taken a quick look at each one to ensure they will work in WM2 and redesigned parts of them in some cases. The behemoth called Glacier 1.2 in particular has lost about a third of it’s devices and should run much faster and with less memory consumption now. They all have nice icons too so you can include them in your macro bar!
Plus: I added three previously unreleased macros! Dunefield - a generator for dunes. This one has been waiting on my hard drive for more than a year! I couldn’t release it before because it wouldn’t run on WM1.25 due to a bug. Smooth Layout removes some of those edges that occurs at the bends of layouts. Coastal Overlay creates a simple overlay for coastal regions. I applied some kind of fake ambient occlusion in the shadows.
hey what about some of the other things you have linked to in the past like the river example? any chance you could find the time to have these somewhere on that blog?