mask problem


At first: I am an 18 years old mathematics student and just bought WM1.2 10 minutes after I opened the letter with my credit card.

I found a problem with the terrace device, but it’s a general problem I guess.
I wanted the terraces only to be applied to specific areas. So i created a mask and connected it to the terrace device.
But: it won’t work. I tried a different mask and still the terrace effect appeared all over the terrain.

Then I switched off memory conservation and it worked.
Soooo, i believe due to ram conservation, WM creates the mask, and then “forgets” it - in order to save ram.

Some screenshots:

Huh… weird. I have never encountered such behaviour in WM.

Nice catch!
It has been noted down, and will be fixed.


Hey that was fast! :mrgreen:
I just did some experimenting. Seems that every device, that supports masks has this problem.

After building, the device that generated the mask is marked with the green square. I suppose you tried to fix it by keeping the built mask - but it didn’t work.

Well, good to know it will be fixed. 8)
(I really need ram conservation -> 256MB)

yeah, it really is ageneral thing… I also tried them :slight_smile:

In any case you can go around it by doing the mask thing by had, i.e. using a Splitter before the Terrace (or affected device) and a Chooser after it. Instead of passing the mask to the mask input, you then connect it to the 3rd input of the choser…
That obviously takes up a bit more memory that the correct behaviour would… But since that is Mem Conservation mode that shouldn’t be much of a burden.

Erosion devices seem to behave right. so it’s not so general after all… I’ll keep testing it…

Hi nikita,

This is indeed a rather glaring bug that we all missed until now. I’ll see what I can do about getting a patch assembled sooner than later for this and a couple other minor issues found so far.