
Hi - I am having some difficulty with the mask inout to devices. I have created a world and have created and imported an island shaped mask. The world is 32Km square and is tiled.

It looks fine in the viewer, black for the areas not to be included and white for those that do. I’ve tried connecting to various devices mask inputs in the network, but to no avail. Could anyone tell me what I might be missing? I’m running WM 2.1

Hi there,

2 things come to mind:

  1. Firstly, upgrade to WM 2.2 ( which fixes many bugs including one that involved masking that may be part of your confusion. There was a bug involving masks sometimes not working properly.

  2. Just to confirm that its what you want, looking at the network you’ve posted, what the mask should do in that instance is that your Combiner, which normally combines the first two inputs in some way that you’ve chosen, is now effectively masking the combination result against an un-combined first input, according to your mask. So for instance if the Combiner was set to Add, black areas of your mask would have no contribution from Input #2, while white areas would be added together 100%.


Hi - I was desperate just to get any kind of masking working, so I tried all mask inputs. I have upgraded to 2.2 as you suggested and that seems to have solved the problem. Thank you.