Mirror Levelmap

Can anyone tell me how to make a mirrored heightmap for a UDK game map.
The UDK game map is supposed to hold 2 team fighting against each other.
The heightmap must be devided in half.
Team 1 have half of the heightmap and Team 2 have the other half.
To make it fair for both team each half of the heightmap shall look the same.
So make one side of the hightmap and then make the other side mirrored.

There’s a couple ways to do this…

If you want to have a perfect mirror there is not much for it but to build your map as one side of the whole, save it to disk, then make a second world that loads that half twice, flips one of them using the flipper, combines them, and exports into the final product (optionally doing a bit of final polish to it)

On the other hand, if you just want “approximately the same” on each side, I might suggesting using layout mode to create shapes defining the main features of the map, then copy/paste/rotate the shapes and translate them to their new location – the terrain will have independent small scale features but similar large ones.

Maybe another way is to output your heightmap to a format like bmp and use a graphics editor to flip the bmp 180 degrees. Rename and save in bmp. Then in WM, use a file input and height output devices and build it to your desired format. Do it again with the other flipped image.

What about this?

Wow, I will admit that you just hit on the simplest way that I totally blocked out of my memory!

The main thing though is that you will want to combine the regular and flipped terrain using a Chooser device, and then drive the chooser with a linear gradient so that the left side is all heightfield A, and the right side heightfield B. You can manipulate the gradient with noise, curves, etc to make the transition between them look like how you want it

Thank you so much, It works perfect :lol: