Missing out put on several tiles

It has happened 2 times to me currently - anyone else?

10 x 10 tiles build setup

  1. I had completed a full build at 256 - writing out all outputs, including mesh generation.
    • All .obj tiles wrote out fine
  2. Then I disabled a bunch of nodes (for texture generation, etc.) setting up for ‘mesh only’ build at lower resolution - custom setting of 50
    • When I imported all of my meshes with my mel scripting, liked mostly fine - but 2 meshes were very dense looking
    • At close inspection, they were 256 posts per edge instead of the 50
    • Looks like 2 of the files were not overwritten when this build pass completed
    • both of the missing tiles were _x’some row’_y09 (not sure if it was coincidence.)
  3. I deleted ALL of the .objs from my output_mesh folder - rebuild
    • run my import schwag into maya - and my import halts because a tile is missing
    • I investigate - the folder is in fact missing 2 .obj files - the same exact 2
    • I check to make sure I didn’t do anything weird in the preferences (they look fine.)
    • empty the output_mesh folder again, rebuild
      Whamo… this time they are all there, import is able to complete, etc.

This isn’t a big deal - my mesh output tiled build at this res takes almost no time at all…
But if this happened on an overnight build with high resolutions such as 1024 or higher, and not all of the files wrote out - that could blow on a tight deadline.

Just wondering if anyone else has seen something like this happen?

  • jonny

I haven’t seen this yet, and I’m not sure what could cause it – but I’ll look into it. I’m also looking at ways to make the entire I/O process more robust and error-resistant.

Not sure if what Im getting is any way related…but I am getting no output tiles in WM2 pro.

Im setting for say 10x10 tiles. When I build for tiles it says its built…but no files are generated.
If I click “Merge Tile” in the options I do get the single larger merged tile.
However when I turn that off…I get no output…the build status for some reason reads “merged”
