Missing plugin?

I was trying to load some of the example files and It seams many keep giving the error: The world cannot be full (Perhaps due to not having one or more used plugins used to create it) some devices are missing.

Are you using WM Basic or Standard? If you are using WM Basic and try to open tmd files with Standard-only devices, those particular devices won’t load…

If you have both WMs installed make sure you are opening the Standard one.

It says it’s the standard version. I ordered way back when .99 just came out. so this is the upgrade from that

Do you know of any macro inside the tmd file? you can be missing the .dev file…

What example files are giving you this problem?

I’m sending you a pm with my email so you can send that tmd to me and I can take a look at it…

No Fil, you don’t need to have all the .dev files of the macros in the .tmd to get it to work.
.dev files are only useful when you plan to share the macro or use it again in the future…

So I wonder if there was a mistake when he installed v1.0 :?

No Fil, you don't need to have all the .dev files of the macros in the .tmd to get it to work.

True… :stuck_out_tongue:

In that case I can only think of these plausible causes:

  • he can be trying to load some tmd that has a plugin made with the PDK (Like my LEGO Filter, for instance) but doesn’t have the plugin correctly placed in the adequate folder.
  • or, he has both WM Basic and WM Standard installed in his computer, and he is inadvertedly opening up the Basic version.
  • if Rhaplh is right, and something happened during installation, the best solution to this would be to uninstall and reinstall it. (don’t forget to take note of the reg key)… (it could be somehow related with this topic)

Anyway, I already offered to take a look at the supposed tmd file, so I should soon find out what’s wrong :wink:

I installed in the old folder because it was suposed to be an upgrade. I did rename the old plugin that cases problems and I did change teh shortcut to put to the new exe

This is getting very anoying. Spent 3 days working on this terrain file that was needed by friday. I get it close to what is needed and it won’t write output to disk. As it is being done at 4k, I have to set conserv memory. I had it built to the eroide out put and I could click on any of the file outputs and vew the terrain and it seemed to be built. But when I till it to write to disk it said it couldn’t I had a valid path set. I set teh out file names after it was buit so I tried building again. after much waiting it says ok but when I check the folder, no output files. I had it set to do incremental saves. I again clicked on the write to output and it couldn’t. I used build to device butting on th efile output device. Nothing. Again tried to write to disk and it says it has to be built first. I have wasted 3 days on somthnig I can’t use.

Other problems: On a terrice node I had a perlin tied to the modifyer input. each time I load the file it has it connected to the mask input. I changed it and save several times. I even deleted noth nodes and put news down and the damn thing still keeps changing the node seting when you reload the file! On the erode node, there are drop down menus that don’t drop down. Insted I just get an underline on them. In the lower right there are sliders that don’t slide. Since I started with a demo file I deleted th erode and put a new one down as I read about a probelm where maps used old versions by default. still dosn’t work. THe build to node dosn’t seem to work reliably. Somtimes you build to a node, but when you go to view it it still gives you the quick bild version. THis seems to be tied to using the conserve memory option which I have no choice about. One time it did this I had to reboot the computer. restarting the program dosn’t clear it.

I’m using w2k Athlon 2200 with 1gig of ram. I have about 15gig of drive space left.

Hi Vorg,

Fil sent me the TMD files that are bugging out. From what I can tell, they are WM 0.98 TMDs, for which an import path was never written into 1.0. If you load them into .99 and then re-save, they should then import fine into 1.0. If you don’t have a copy of 0.99 anymore, I can send you one if you drop me a line at support@world-machine.com.

Regarding the other issues you’ve run into, it is a unfortunately a now-known (and rather annoying) bug in 1.0. 1.1 will bring a fix, but until then the best bet is to check the “Write file every time the world is built” box, make sure you have a valid filename and type set, and then build the world – the file should be exported OK.

he .99 resaved version of w1 still instist on moving the perlin output from the modulation input to th emask input of the Terrace device when reloadinging. So runing through .99 didn’t fix that. have to run to see if save everytime works. I had tried save incremental versions. so ill change that andd see.

hmm the ones fil sent me back as being fixed run through .99, are giving me the same missing plugin errors. I’ll have to name that dll back and try .99 again. gusee I need to reinstall v1 in a nother folder.

I had similar problems when upgrading to version 1. So in the end I uninstalled version 0.99, deleted the World Machine folder and installed version 1 - it worked!

Something doesn’t quite seem right when installing over the old version.