Missing some filter devices

I have been unable to find the splitter, simple transform and curves filters in WM2 even though they are listed in the device reference on the web site. Am I missing something obvious?


Splitter has been deprecated I believe since any number of devices can now grab an output from a single device. I see curves in my build WM2 pro 64. Don’t see simple transform, however would be nice to have that one.

To do the equivalent of a splitter, drag a connection starting from the DESTINATION input towards the SOURCE output. You will see that the new connection does not replace the old one, but is added the to it.


Simple transform got kicked out because it’s no longer needed. It has kept in before to give users of the basic edition a basic blurring/curve tool. But since the basic edition now includes blur and curves devices, simple transform isn’t necessary anymore.

If you hold shift you can connect from source to destination too.

The Curves tool is missing under the Filters tab. It is present in the 64bit version but not he 32bit version. If you create a blank flow in WM2-64, add a curves tool, save it, open WM2-32 and open that file, it will poop itself and eventually crash.

I just noticed a way of getting a WM1.25 macro into WM2 (putting the old macro into the WM2 folder didn’t work - no big surprise there).

I loaded an old tmd created in WM1.25 containing the Dunes6 macro into WM2. There are no connections when loaded, but I deleted the unnecessary nodes keeping just the Dune macro. I then saved that in WM2 and loaded it into a proper WM2 scene using the ‘Import Devices’ command. I connected it to a Combine device and WM2 crashed. However, tried again but this time building the Dunes first, and then connected it to a Combiner. Worked fine… for now.

Anyway, could be a workaround for now with some devices you like, though I take no responsibility for crashes, etc. :wink:

There was a packaging error that kept the Curves tool out of the Basic and Standard editions – this has been corrected.

Re-visit the download link and uninstall/reinstall to make the Curves device appear again.

The Splitter and Simple Transform have been deprecated because they are no longer needed – You can do everything they did and more either natively (by multiply-connecting outputs instead of using a splitter), or by using a Curves or Blur device instead of the Simple Transform (they can do everything it did and much more).

I uninstalled and reinstalled and the curves tool still isn’t there. I reinstalled from the downloaded install dated the 9th of this month.

Download the basic edition and copy the contents of the ‘devices’ folder, overwriting the 32 bit files in the ‘devices’ folder of your registered copy, then rerun. Curves should now appear.