
Hi! I’m trying to generate “monuments”. They look like this:

I have a basic shape… but I would like to extend the center (top) upwards and haven’t found a good way to do this (yes, I don’t have a good grasp on many of the devices.) Does anyone know of a good method to get some increased height on that area on just the top section?

Hi there,

A couple quick questions: By increased height, do you mean you want to change the shape so that the top section has steeper sides, or do you want to make it overall taller (or both)? If you want to make it overall taller, try increasing the world vertical bounds in the Project Settings->General Setup tab.

If what you want is to steepen the sides of the monument, there are many ways, but the first thing I’d try is to attach a simple transform device to it and use the Glaciate filter which will make the lower areas flat and steepen the upper areas.

Hi Remnant,

Yes, taller, like stretching upward. I’d like to get the “cylinder like section” longer in height. I got to this point with a transform device and playing with the glaciate filter.

I’ll mess with the vertical bounds. Thanks!

The important thing to note here is in the clamp node: to extend the height of the masked area, you must DECREASE the rightmost slider, and select the EXPAND clamp style.

This works by extending the height of the heightmap input, but only where the select height node says to. By bringing up the height selector to the desired level you want the monument to start, the clamp is then masked to only affect this area.

Enjoy :slight_smile:

Gorgeous idea BTW, loving the style, but never had a name for it!

Thanks Construc. I’ll have to try that.

I used a basic height-map made in Photoshop and applied lots of erosion to get something similar. But your method looks like it would have more control.

This was my latest (thumbnail)