Most Time-Consuming Nodes? Way to debug this?

I am rendering a large world with multiple land types, all getting blended at the end through masks. It’s taking a long time to render each tile, at times up to 2 hours per tile. They look great, but I wonder what steps I can take to optimize this.
What are the worst offenders time-wise when it comes to rendering?

Is there a way to debug in World Machine that could show me inside the program what nodes will be the most time-consuming? So that way I can address just those.

Will the resolution of Bitmap masks (for example, using a 2048 or a 1024) increase build times dramatically?


If you perform a normal non-tiled build, the build report lists the time taken by each device that you can use to help diagnose this. Also, the development-channel builds show the time taken by each device in the device workview so that you have access to this info even after you’ve dismissed the build dialog.

You can expect each doubling of resolution (1024->2048, for example) to quadruple the time taken in the best case scenario, as the number of pixels is actually the square of the set resolution; some (many) algorithms scale worse than this however, taking 8x longer or more for each doubling. Consulting the build timing data will help you isolate where your build times are coming from.