My first terrain

This is my first terrain I’ve designed from scratch and brought over to LightWave 3D. It was built in 4096x4096. Exported height map, color map, flow map, wear map and deposition. And somehow mixed most of them into the surface in LightWave.

Quite happy with the result overall. Will try to make a snow version of the same terrain later.
I’m not happy about the flat part on the top of the mountain though. I’d like to have a peak, but whatever I did, it just wouldn’t make one. I’m looking into it.

I’m looking for a solution to use splat maps in LightWave. If anyone have a good idea, let me know!

Noticed I had forgot to add the Wear map in the image I attached.
New image attached, with wear map applied.

I tried upping it to 8K resolution. Took a while to build. Almost 9 hours to be exact. But it added some nice subtle details.
Compressed JPEG attached. If you want to see an uncompressed PNG… 7MB.

i see u have edge problem in your far side, i have the same one in maya and blender. did u try using mesh mode? anyways, nice render and texturing!!!

Thanks. Yes I’ve used the same subpatched object for other landscapes which had a non-square heightmap, so it wasn’t a 1:1 fit of the heightmap and textures.
For the time being I prefer to use subpatched objects for terrain as the exported .obj can be very heavy.

With subpatched objects I can work in a very low resolution version while I’m figuring out lighting and cameras, much like you preview the terrain before a build.
Once I hit RENDER, the render engine will bump the resolution of the terrain up a few notches and it looks better.

did you import a dem map as file input? cause i get the feeling i’ve seen this terrain profile before… nice texturing! did you do it in lightwave or wm???

No, this is entirely made up in WM. I used the Extended Overlay macro to generate textures, and exported all of the different maps to image files to test and combine in LightWave, where I rendered using a HDR sky and a directional light.

Really enjoying how it looks, how the texturing gives off a very clean and sharp “videogamey” effect.

If you want to fix those edges, you probably just need to set your file input to stretch at the borders rather than repeat.

In Maya, this is accessed on the Place2dTexture node by turning off Wrap U and Wrap V. Not sure about Lightwave.


About those edges, I use Modo and in the UV settings I changed the ‘repeat’ to ‘reset’ and that fixed the problem. Not sure what they would come under in Maya or any other 3D package but I’m sure its the same thing.

Great, thanks a lot for sharing with the community :smiley:


Looks rather nice :slight_smile:
I got 2 small points of interest
Why didnt you add a small beach that would grasp the toes of those ridges by the water?
And theres a little kinda reflectivness right between the grass/muddy area…

I do like it! Keep it up

Ok and so I combined the colorizing of your (@OlaHaldor) terrain with a brand new macro from e2clipse…

here are the results of a 10x10km terrian @2k res:


They look nice :shock: both of them,though the carved one has more details on the rocks :slight_smile:
Maybe a litte PQualizer to get those spikes out?

Japp-will use your Equalizer for that :slight_smile: and post again!

EQ is not working atm… waiting for update :stuck_out_tongue:

Meanwhile, I added a coastline and “real” water to the terrain:

And here a “hell-ish” Version without water:

Changes sand-color and uses e2clipse “PQualizer” on it…

Would be cool, if the “PQ-Frequency-height” setting would be a bit more sensitive to cut away only the small peaks, instead
of smoothing it all up…


The height
The amount
And especially the type of filter used makes a lot of difference
Inverted filter and filter strenght set to 28 or a little more might give you what u are looking for?