Need help ASAP with exporting a good looking texture, any help appreciated!

Hi all-

I’m working on a terrain project for a client, and having had good experience with WM1, I decided to jump right in with WM2 and even bought a Pro licence :slight_smile:

Currently, I’m a bit desperate for a good terrain texture-maker, ie something to create either a mega texture or, better, a good splat map for tilable textures to be applied with (using Unity 3D game engine). I saw this:

…and would basically like to recreate that. Any help greatly appreciated, thanks all! :slight_smile:

WM2 comes with a couple of macros, one of which is called basic coverage or something. Take a look at it and maybe at some of the examples that come with WM.

The basic workflow is to create the desired colors using RGB generators and perhaps mixing them using a chooser and some mask. That mask could be a perlin noise or, as shown in that image, the flow map from an erosion device or a map generated by selector or whatever you want. :slight_smile:

Hi nikita, thanks for the response!

This isn’t really a great excuse, lol, but I just don’t have time to learn to set that up…I’ll look around quick, see if I can, but any chance you/other guru would be able to create this for pay? I could do about $50, perhaps, for a good texture and export setup. Assuming for an experienced user that shouldn’t take more than an hour or 2, that’s not bad money?

Sorry to bring cash into this…I usually hate to, I’m just up against a deadline and realizing I’m in over my head.


I’ll put something together and PN you within the next 30min or so.