No Hieght info generated when creating tiled meshes

I just got the new 2.3.3 update installed, and now when I try to save out tiled mesh objects, all I get for each tile is a flat plane. The appropriate poly count is there, just no elevation! The write info to disk button in the mesh output works fine, its only the tiled build. Is this some sort of bug, or is it me? This seemed to be fine before my upgrade.


Hi there,

I will look into this!

I can confirm this, was doing my first large tiled build (10X10 at 4K) and ended up with 246GB of very high resolution . . . flat meshes :slight_smile:
The texture & normals were generated just fine, i will check if the heightmaps were too if so i may be able to salvage this build by taking them 1 by 1 and doing a heightmap => mesh conversion.

Is there really a new 2.3.3 update? Mine says 2.3.2 Pro 64 bits and check for updates says I have the latest. Or is this a beta or basic edition? Just wondering. :?

Sorry, I ment 2.3.2…typ-o. :frowning:


I just found the source of this regression and it will be fixed for 2.3.3 which will be out very soon – I’m attempting to target tomorrow (friday!)