node acts as if mask is still hooked up after disconnect

(I’m running WM Pro 2.2 without the hot fix and I haven’t tried the 2.3 beta either, so this might have already been reported/addressed.)

Steps to create redraw error I’m seeing:

  1. Create a new Radial Grad generator. I just used default settings.
  2. Select and observe Radial Grad node. Looks like the default smooth lump of a bump.
  3. Create a new Perlin Noise generator.
  4. Wire the Perlin Noise generator output into the mask input of the Radial Grad.
  5. Select and observe what the Radial Grad node now looks like. It’s a randomly bumpy lump now.
  6. Delete wire coming into the Radial Grad’s mask input.
  7. Select and observe the Radial Grad node again. It should be back to the default smooth lump, but what I’m seeing is still the randomly bumpy bump, as if the wire is still connected from the noise into the mask.

Opening the properties for the Radial Grad node and changing any of the parameters seems to make it snap back to acting as normal again.

There was a discovered issue in previous versions of WM that caused a similar issue. I’m fairly certain this was one of the first things fixed in the 2.3 beta!

Great, thanks Remnant.
I’m putting together a new system so will try out the beta when I reinstall everything.