Node setup for fractals in resampling


in your blog about the new imports you mentioned new resampling methods, one of which applies a fractal detail noise. You also said this effect could be generated with a simple filter setup. While we’re waiting for the new release :smiley: : Could you give an example how to set that up?


Hi there,

Yes, in fact it already exists! Check out :

Open Examples -> New Examples for WM 2.3 -> Techniques -> Improving Real World Terrain.tmd.

The relevant part is that after importing a low res DEM file, a perlin noise device is used with its persistence (roughness) guided by a slope selector. This is very much like what the fractal interpolator does; the only annoying part is having to do some fiddly adjustments manually (getting the scale of the terrain right, filtering out the bilinear interpolation artifacts, etc).


I missed that sample file. It works well, but as you said, it’s a bit of trial and error to find the right parameter settings. So you have some clever algorithm in your implementation that does that automatically?

Yes – the soon to be released fractal resizer is effectively choosing all parameters automatically to fill in the correct amount and scale of noise to augment the baseline values. This makes it truly plug and play to simply load up a low-res source file and and select fractal resize from the new resampling options list.


can’t wait for the next release! :smiley: