non-square terrain bug


I have terrain cca 812km. When I have square extent view (12x12), no problem at all. When I switch to rectangular (812), terrain got extra mass:

[link removed due to security warning]

WM 2.2 PRO


Hi there,

FYI Google chrome shows a security warning attempting to visit that link. I"m not sure what the threat is but as a result I have removed the link to the file.

Can you attach the image file here?


hmm, very interesting.

Check further up your terrain network – where does the extra land first appear? After which device?

It starts to doing troubles in first node (erosion). I think it was causing problems even in file input node, but then I changed tiff to png and problem moved to first node.

This problem has already been treated here.

It’s all about the Erosion device and the extent’s limits. Read carefully the linked thread to understand.
The part you should pay attention to is the one talking about extents as “boxes”.

PS: the author of that thread has removed the linked images, but I can confirm he had the exact same problem: terrain building up along the extent’s walls.

Yes, turning off geological time helps, but it cant be hardly called solution. That effect is really nice.
Correct me if I am wrong, but extent is something like render view and for me it does not make sense to render 50 percent bigger terrain and then cut everything in Photoshop. Is there any better solution?

I have another suggestion for an alternative method!!

I see you use a 11.719 meters-per-pixel ratio.

Here the alternative method:
a) render the whole thing at 2048x2048 in a 12x12km extent
b) bake this extent through a Height Output device in a 16bits RAW file
c) disable all devices and re-import the 2048x2048px heightmap through a File Input device
d) change your extent to 12x8km and the resolution to 1024x683px
e) ensure that the imported (square) heightmap is set to cover the whole width of your (non-square) extent and that the terrain is inside the extent (while maintaining its square proportions)
f) render

This way your terrain wont be affected by the proximity of the extent’s walls while WM calculates erosions. Then, by re-importing it in its rendered form, nothing else will affect it and you’ll be able to render it in a non-square form without any undesired effect.

Ask me, if this is not clear enough, and I’ll make some example pics to better explain it. =)

Edit: the problem is not the geological time itself. The problem is how this effect behaves when you have a non-square extent. I think this method will work very well without any compromise ruining the overall effect. =)

Thanks for your idea. Anyway these are only my test setings, my final aspect ratio will be 2m per pixel. Anyway how can I continue to design my scene then? By importing file I will loose all additional outputs from modificators for example for texturing…

You won’t lose them, if you bake them too into a separate heightmap.

For instance, you could bake the whole terrain in a heightmap and the erosion flows in another one…

The key word is “heightfield”. No matter what you see on your screen, if it’s a mountain or a black&white mask, everything works through heightfields: matrices of values that define altitudes or effects’ strength, depending on how a device interprets that input.

The difference between a baked heightmap and a generated heightfield is that the first one is not the result of any mathematical operation.

Importing baked heightmaps is also a good method to speed up the terrain rendering when some of the features are already finished by replacing their devices with “File Input” ones.