OBJ Mesh Export with Up Axis

I’m getting OBJ files with Y Up as the axis, when imported into 3DS Max, obviously the terrain tile is on its side.
Any remote chance of a quick patch that would allow me to flip it to Z-up? Urgent deliveries next week.

Jap, in blender it´s kind of the same, the X is “90” and Y is “-0” (!)
the terrain stands up vertical instead of layin “flat”.

But that´s no big deal, setting all axis to “0”, re-scale (x100), apply rotation+scale, put back geometry to origin… take about under 1 minute/mesh.

Maybe you could write some kind of macro/script to do the steps needed in Max for you?
Then it will be just one click. I think if it is urgent, you should try to solve it that way, I suggest.

Yes true. When I import in Blender I need to change the Import param to

Forward = YForward
UP= Z Up

Then the mesh show up with right axis inside Blender

I have indeed been meaning to add an option to allow you to change the coordinate frame of the output to simplify workflow, although as noted above I have never encountered 3D software that won’t let you rotate a mesh!

That’s perfectly fine of course. It’s just the fact that I have to do that with 150 tiles. :frowning:

good point :wink:

I’l see what I can do. Send me an email at support@world-machine.com and I might be able to get you a private build with the feature added before it rolls out publicly.

A further followup:

WM always exports in a right handed, Z is up coordinate system (ie x,y represent ground coordinates, and Z indicates increasing elevations). You are saying that you are getting Y = up behavior?

Sorry, my mistake, yes it IS z-up. While I needed Y-up. My first post was incorrect.

Any news on whether it is possible to export Y-up yet? I have looked in the Mesh Output Properties as well as the preferences but not found anything. There is a “Flip Y-axis orientation” in the Tiled Build Options of the Project Settings, but I am not sure what that does.

We are having the same issue: Many many many meshes exported, all of which need to be flipped manually before being put through our asset system. It isn’t a show stopper, but it does add one more paint point in the process.