Online Central Macro Library now Available!

Today I’m making available an online central repository for Macros!

Check it out at the above. You will use your forum account to login to the macro library. You will need to be logged in to upload, manage, or rate macros.

However, all visitors can browse and download.

I’m working on some major revisions to the web site at the moment, that will go live later this week hopefully. But for now, start uploading your macros and let me know what you think about the functionality provided!


Now i just need to learn how to create macros, :slight_smile:

I’ve been slowly adding a few macros as I create them that are small but useful additions to anyone’s library. Nikita has also added his.

However, my entire hope is that the library become a great place to share everyone’s macros as they create them. So if anyone has something to share, don’t be shy – upload it to the macro library!