Out of memory

I just tried to import a 1025x1025 terrain with “File input generator” and I had this alert : “Out of memory”.
Then I click on OK and I tried to build the machine, and I had this message :
“Runtime error !
program:C:\Program files\Wolrd Machine\world exe.
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way. Please contact the application’s support team for more information”
I have an athlon 2400XP with 1 giga ram, and Windows XP home, and registered version of World Machine !

This is a common problem… unfortunatelly :frowning:
WM memory management core has been re-writen for v1.0 So the memory problems found in v.99 on large terrains with lots of devices (or those that are more memory swallowers) will be gone… Until v1.0 comes out the ways to overcome the problems are to increase the virtual memory or to avoid building larger terrains with the problematic devices, I guess :frowning:

related links:

ok, thanks !
I hope v1 is coming soon.

I have always the same problem when going for 4096² terrains. Looks like hillrunner has the same basic hardware as me.
Same reason?
Volker Harun

In my experience the “file input generator” has problems importing some “*.ter” files giving the errors you describe. Usually opening the offending *.ter in Terragen, resaving it as *1.ter and using this for the file input into World-machine works (it hasn’t failed me yet).


Just resave with terragen. No need of a name change.