Pan in layout view only for a given device

Hi, say I have two devices, one with perlin noise, one with voronoi noise. In the layout view, I want to pan the current extent to have the best area for perlin noise. Problem is the panning also applies to the voronoi noise, even if I create a new extent for this one. How can I move an extent on the layout view to affect a single device and not all devices? Thanks.

Nobody knows how to do this? This should be very basic to be able to select the area in the world we want to render. Even though I created several extents and several layout generators, I don’t understand how I can render them all in the same graph and combine them.

“A picture speaks a thousand words”. Some screenshots will help us understand the problem. :wink:

Well, what isn’t clear ? Just create two types of noises and try to move one of them in the layout view without moving the other… if you can, please let us know how you do it !

Okay, so I get it now. The extents work on the “world” as a whole, not individual noises. You have to remember that the world is being built at once, so when you move the extents, you are just moving the camera to a new area, not the noise.

That being said, you can move the “device origin” inside the device settings. You can also set it interactively in layout view using “set” button near the origin values. This would move just the noise, not the extents.

Here’s the screenshot of the setting

Thanks a lot! I didn’t know that, this will greatly help me in designing my terrains!
However I noticed this was not working everywhere, like on Geoglyph macro I can’t see to be able to select an origin.

Works for noises native to wm at least. Geoglyph is an external app, only Dax can answer the specifics there.