Play a sound when a world finishes building

My worlds usually take ~3 minutes to build, sometimes longer. So, I tab out of World Machine to look at something else. Then, I forget that I started the world build and not come back to it until well after the world is finished building.

I would like the world building window to make a sound when it finishes building, similar to how the output blocks make a sound when they finish exporting.


LOOOOL, i did have the same suggestion to suggest in notations for future

you reading my thouths? eheheheheh

i agree

also it would be cool to configure this sound by your own mp3/wav files - it will make possible to make WM say something like “Sir, map is ready”

or add bell-sound like in restorants, ehehehhe

cool idea, VOOOTEEE


And most importantly, make it optional, because I really hate it when programs do this and it can’t be turned off :joy: but yes this is a very welcome feature! Then the question is, different sound for build completed with errors?

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