Please add support of language changing

It is weird that such huge-old software do not have build-in function of support different language-packets. I can spend time on making translation on ukrainian/russian/belarussian for free. (my friends asked alot about this, because they do not know english). I think other guys from WM community can support such thing and make language-packets for their own languages

so, ye, you do not need to translate programm on all languages, just add ability to support creation and loading of own language packeges that community can produce by their own


You’d be amazed how difficult it is to add this support later on, been there, tried that and failed in my personal, way smaller projects :joy:

Do agree though that it would be nice, I would happily add a language pack for Dutch!


Yeah I admired WorldMachine when I found WM but I’m sad because WM does not support multiple language.
If WM use crowdin, I will happily add a language pack for Japanese too.
I hope it!

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Does Stephen have any development plans for supporting different languages? If so, I hope to add a Chinese language pack!

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i did saw that he did add such suggestion to Features Vote forum
one minute

Internationalization (Translated UI) - World Machine

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