Option to set the layouts size in a layout device the same way as “Place from current” in the file input device. It would scale the layouts in the device accordingly. I have had to change the tile output sizes in my project for a game studio to a powers of 2 size, but I need 2m per pixel, so I have to change the map size. This has had the knock on effect of putting all of the layouts out of kilter.- it will take me some days to correct them :shock: Currently there is no way to accurately rescale the layouts so that they fit the new extents. The feature would be hugely appreciated!
I just thought…I could solve my immediate problem by exorting at the original size, reimport into a new project, and upsample that way. Not ideal but it works. Some kind of precise rescaling would be useful though, even if not “match to current extents”. If you have used the layouts extensively in a world for doing things such as roads (often requiring per vertex adjustments), having this would be great.
I solved my problem. My problem had its root with the layout generator and my roads. I had to change the world extents after creating the roads in layout. When you do this all of the shapes go out of kilter with the terrain. There is no accurate way to rescale them at the moment. So to get around this I had to create another tmd which resampled the terrain and textrures to get to the new world extents. But when you do that with the textures, you lose the alpha channel that was output from the first tmd. Don’t know why that is. So I had to output the alpha as a 8 bit bmp herightmap from the first tmd (from the splat converter output) and plug that into the bitmap alpha in the 2nd tmd. The alpha is then rewritten into the final texture output.
A resize to world extents button for layouts would be very useful. I could have avoided the need for 2 tmds. Sorry to triple post here but it might be useful for any one else that has similar problems.
I have added a precise shape transform dialog to my feature request backlist – it’s a useful feature for sure.
That’s great news- having to change the world extents was something I didn’t foresee. It created a few unepexcted problems.