Problem with "River"-tutorial


I’m new to programs like World Machine and Terragen, so I’m trying to figure out how to use these programs by following tutorials and playing around.
Yesterday I tried to go through the tutorial “A River runs through it” and it worked, but I have some questions:

  • Have the two Perlin Noise devices at the beginning to be exact copies or should they be two different ones?

  • When I link the new devices (made by following the tutorial) to the Perlin Noise, it is impossible to link it to the output device as it only has one linking point. Is it necessary to link the Perlin Noise to the output or will the output be alright when it’s not linked to any other device? (I also have the idea that I may link the Combiner to the Output device…)

  • Will there be more tutorials on World Machine? And does maybe anybody know if there are good and easy Terragen tutorials, too?

Thank you very much for helping a 3D-newbie! :smiley:
(btw, my Terragen tries: )

Hi Reika :slight_smile:

This tutorial was used for earlier versions of World Machine. Now you can simply use the “Rocky Run” macro which comes with v0.99…

Anyway I’m going to try to answer :

- Have the two Perlin Noise devices at the beginning to be exact copies or should they be two different ones?
-> There’s no need for them to be exact copies : the first Perlin will be your terrain, and the second one will be modified to create the shape of the river. So, both can be different.

- When I link the new devices (made by following the tutorial) to the Perlin Noise, it is impossible to link it to the output device as it only has one linking point. Is it necessary to link the Perlin Noise to the output or will the output be alright when it’s not linked to any other device? (I also have the idea that I may link the Combiner to the Output device…)
-> The output must be linked to the device, as it will receive the heightmap information from this device : the output device won’t guess which terrain it must err… output, if you don’t tell it :stuck_out_tongue:
So, when you link the Perlin Noise to a device, this device will receive the Perlin Noise heightmap and will modify it (depending on which device it is). Then, it will transmit the modified heightmap to its output(s). These outputs will transmit the heightmap to other devices, each of them will do the same thing : modify the terrain, transmit it to the outputs. As a result, the final device will be linked to an output device, to transmit the final heightmap to a file.
(Err… not sure if I’m clear :oops: )

- Will there be more tutorials on World Machine? And does maybe anybody know if there are good and easy Terragen tutorials, too?
-> There will be an help file coming with the 1.0 release.
Until it is released, you can visit several links :

Hope this helps…

- When I link the new devices (made by following the tutorial) to the Perlin Noise, it is impossible to link it to the output device as it only has one linking point.
Hi, You are probably looking for a [i]Splitter[/i] device. A [i]Splitter[/i] passes the heightmap in its input directly to all its output ports. So it basically creates copies of what you feed it. This way you can connect one device to many others. You can double-click on the [i]Splitter[/i] (to edit the properties) to specify the number of output ports (number of copies).

I discovered Terragen and World Machine through this guy’s tutorials a couple days ago.
He has 3 packs of files 1 of which a good beginner tutorial. :slight_smile:
Look for them at the bottom. This is a good directory for terragen. Have fun with the tutorials; as they usually confuse the crap out of me. And I hope you enjoy the translations, I usually get a kick out of them.

I agree with Ralph, “rocky run” would save you a lot of trouble. But doing things the easy way dosen’t teach you much.

And welcome to the crew.

Note; beware the evils of rendo. :smiley:

I hate it when that happens. see above. Gotta check out my cookie setting in CCleaner. Just used to be indefenetly logged in.

Switch to Firefox :wink:

That’s all I use. Some site crashed it big time through Java, a few days ago. When I fired firefox back up all my bookmarks were gone. Guess the last few times I skimmed through here I was a guest. Thought it might have been CCleaner but here was on my list to leave alone.
hmmm, now I wonder if my signeture was on that IM to Javajones, or if he is setting there looking at an IM from a guest and wondering whom it could be?

Never had a problem with Firefox till it got popular. Now I have pop behinds and multipul sites down loading from one link. Don’t ask, you know ware.