Program crashes using Gaussian Blur and Bias/Gain


I have a crash on world machine 2.2 64x using:
a File input in a gaussian Blur in a bias/Gain

In the layout view, on the Blur node, when I zoom in the position indicate in the place_to_zoom.png, I crash ! (same srash on the Bies/Gain node)
It’s a simplified version of a big file.
The tiled export have some height bugs at the same position.
If I reduce the File input Full_Sdrivere_new2_1280.png (ex: 1024 instead of 1280) no more crash
If I set the Gain to 0.5, no more crash

thanks !

I can confirm the crash. Looks like the terrain suddenly “tears” when zooming.

The debug message via VS2010 is “Unhandled exception at 0x0000000140024a1a in World Machine64.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfffffffe0205ca80.”

I have replicated the cause of this one. It is related to another recently discovered bug where the gaussian radial device was creating denormal numbers. In this case, the blur is creating denormals I believe, which are then modified from dangerous into illegal values by the bias/gain device.

It’s a fairly obscure interaction – the default floating point mode on 32bit was to truncate denormal numbers (numbers too small to be represented by floating point), whereas 64bit seems to be preserving them and causing some random havok downstream.

My current efforts are going towards putting out a bug fix release fairly soon to cover things like this!

ok !

Thanks for the quick response !