Program crashes

world machine 2 program crashes. I have enclosed the error log and the tmd file. the last error happened when i clicked on the erosion block. the other times when i click on the radial grand and the ramp.

Seems to work with 32 bit world machine 2 but crashes with the 64 bit. Started to crash when i added the Combiner, the lower Radial Grad and the lower Ramp

I can confirm the crash.

The VS2010 debug error message is:
Unhandled exception at 0x00000001400e4023 in World Machine64.exe:
0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0xfffffffe0205aa80

[edit] I should have added that I get the crash as soon as the tmd file loads.

I loaded it in the x32 version and disabled the Height Output device and it reload and built okay in the x64 version.

I then deleted the Height Output device, but as soon as I added a new one, without even connecting it, I got the crash. Also adding a Mesh Output device instead of a Height Output caused a crash.

I’ll take a look at this and see if I can track it down!

A little more info… After I checked it with WM2 x32 and saw it would build, I saved it as crater1.tmd with the Height Output device disabled. I then loaded that file in the x64 version and it didn’t crash. But all I had to do was left click on the Erosion device and it crashed.

Just curious if anyone has built tmd’s in x64 and then loaded/built/saved in x32 or did the opposite? I’m guessing it is supposed to work unless a memory is reached in x32.

I may try replicating the file from scratch in x64, if I have the time, to see what happens.

I tried to build the tmd in the x64 (latest version). I added and connected all the devices just like the crater.tmd supplied in the first post. All the devices were at the default stage. I input the same parameters from crater.tmd for the two radial grad’s and when I double-clicked the top ramp device to input it’s parameters, wm2 crashed.

I tried just a simple two device network – a Radial Grad connected to a Ramp. I will crash if you change the Radial Grad Radius from 8km to 2.01km and double click the Ramp device. Left at 8km but with the Radial Grad device origin set to 6.75km and 1.52, it doesn’t crash. So it seems there’s some number combination(s) from the Radial Grad that the Ramp device does not like.

[edit] I should have added that the crash.tmd file does not crash when using WM2 x32 version.

I have been using the 32 World Machine and discovered the 64 bit World Machine. Since I am trying to use 64 Bit programs I started using the 64 World Machine. I found a wonderful tutorial creating a volcano and after playing with the controls created crater like terrains. I then created 2 craters on the same terrain and then the program started to crash.

Just an update:

I’ve tracked this down, and is the result of a very obscure interaction between the Gaussian radial generator which is generating some extremely small (so-called de-normalized) numbers, which are then polluting some further math done in the Ramp device.

I have fixed the bug in the current codepath for the next release. An immediate workaround is to simply use a different mode of the Radial generator such as the Spherical or Diamond shape.

Thanks. I will stick with 32 bit world machine if I have a problem.