Program not remembering registration code

Hello Remnant,

Loving the new version so far. Not sure if I am not doing this right or not, but each time I run WM2 it asks for the registration code again.

Hi there,

Glad you’re enjoying it. As discovered in another thread, under a Windows (especially Vista) user account that is NOT an administrator, the program is not allowed to save data to the program files folder.

You have two solutions:

  1. You can edit the world.ini file in your WM folder and enter your name and regcode manually

or preferably:

  1. Run WM as an administrator. To do that, right click on the worldmachine exes. select properties. select compatibility. then tick “run this program as an administrator” box.


Not sure what limited user account is. This is an upgrade purchase. Does this still apply?

it’s a restriction imposed by windows not by WM – I’ve just clarified this in my reply. Your best bet as far as a workaround goes is #2, as potentially other preferences would be prohibited from saving as well.

Sweet, Thx!

So it should be enough to run it as admin the first time you start it, right?

I ran it as admin. it is no longer asking for reg info.

Hi Remnant,

Congratulations on the new release. Regarding UAC permissions in Vista; Microsoft’s recommends (or rather, mandates) that all volatile settings/macros/resources/preferences be stored under %APPDATA%, rather than %PROGRAMFILES%. If you’ve not used these environmental variables before, the MFC code to get the AppData path is:

CString AppDataPath;

The output on Vista will be:

C:\Users\[user name]\AppData\Roaming

…and on XP/2K will be:

C:\Documents and Settings\[user name]\Application data\

Programs do not require privilege escalation to write to these folders. Note however that the path is username-dependent. If you want to share settings/macros/etc across multiple users on the same computer, I think you can use the %PROGRAMDATA% environmental variable, which on Vista resolves to:


…but I have no idea where ProgramData goes on WinXP/2k (I don’t use ProgramData, nor XP/2k any more).

Also, I see there’s a ‘temp’ directory in the WM installation folder under %PROGRAMFILES%; this should probably go under %TEMP%. However, you probably don’t care if temp files in %PROGRAMFILES% disappear when you close your WM session, so this is more for style than function.

Penultimately, if you write any settings to the registry under HKLM or HKCR during normal operation, you should move them to HKCU. From a quick look I couldn’t see any keys in HKLM/CR, so it’s probably not an issue.

I should finally mention that these changes will be backwards-compatible with 2k/XP systems, as they too had the split executable/data directories, but didn’t bother to enforce the rule (unlike our new friend Vista).



for the 64 bit version you have a system recommendation ? like Xp 64 or Win 2003 ?
We can allocated to WM2 more than 2go memory with this configuration ?


Afaik XPx64 is based on the code base from win 2003 so I don’t think there’s a big difference.

I’m using WM under XPx64 and it works fine.

Any 64bit OS will allocate far more than 2GB of memory.

thanks for your reply niki