Question about creating 2 splat maps

Hi, I’m new to splats so pardon me if it’s an obvious question. I’m creating two splat maps (2x4). The first splat map essentially covers the entire terrain at all heights. The second splat I’d like to use for the following: Snow cover, sand, a deposition map confined to a specific area, and road placement. My first splat consists of Height, slope, wear, with transparency from a global depo map- that works fine.

I’m guessing the 2nd splat will have areas that are black- ie no cover from anything. My understanding is they will both have to be put through the same splat converter with 8 inputs. My question is, is this ok to do? Will the two separate splat maps sum to 1? will I need two transparency inputs or just one? What would I use for transparency in the 2nd splat?..I haven’t really much of a clue how this setup works.

Can anyone explain?, thanks.


Yes – as long as all the splats go through the same (8-input) splat converter, they will all properly behave and sum-to-one.

Splat maps use the alpha transparancy as just another channel (just like the “red” or “green” channel isn’t really red or green, but just a mask showing where to place a texture).

Because of this, if you need all 8 splat channels, just connect the 4th and 8th channels respectively to the first and second bitmap output’s alpha masks, while converting mask channels 1-3 and 5-7 into a RGB bitmap and putting them into the primary input.

Thanks Stephen, that helps. Does it matter what I use for the splat 2 transparency input? For eg, if I used the roads input, I don’t really understand how that contributes transparency, since it’s mostly set to 0. Or does it not matter?


It doesn’t matter. Your choice of what map goes into what channel is completely arbitrary (of course, YOU need to know which one is which to be able to use the right texture in unity – otherwise your roads will be made of rock,etc.).

The alpha channel is being used not for transparency but just as a convenient additional mask information source – at no point does the “alpha” channel actually convey transparency information when splatting!

:D…that raised a smile, roads made of rock?..I might be lucky. That clears things up!
