Regarding the height chooser

Hi everyone,

We are currently evaluating the pro edition of WM and after working a while with the basic edition we get to become at ease using the chooser and the combiner but now we are taking a closer look at the new height chooser and even looking at the file examples and doing some test with the node we still don’t understand how to correctly use it.

Is it made to replace the basic chooser or a completely new way of blending terrain?

If someone could share his experience using it or enlighten us on how to use it then it would also help the whole community.

English is not my first language so please try to explain in full words.

Regards Peter

Hi Peter,

The Height Chooser is a “superset” of the original Chooser. Put simply, the Chooser is a way to blend 2 terrains based on a guide input. The Height Chooser is a way to blend 2 OR MORE terrains while still using a single guide.

Mathematically, it’s like this: The guide value varies from 0…1 controlling the blending.

Traditional Chooser (2 inputs A,B): This is simple linear interpolation according to the value of the guide map:

Guide 0.0 : Use input A 100%
Guide 0.5 : Use 50%A and 50%B
Guide 1.0 : Use input B fully

Height Chooser w/ 3 inputs (A,B,C): This is a set of linear interpolations, between each of the values below

Guide 0.0 : Use 100%A
Guide 0.5 : Use 100%B
Guide 1.0 : Use 100%C

I’ve attached a world file that should illustrate how it works pretty clearly below.

You can see that in the Height Chooser with 3 inputs, we’ve added an additional “band” of terrain style that the output moves through, in between the start and finish terrain types. Click around in the example world for a bit and it should become clearer.


Hi Stephen,

Thank for taking the time to explain the height chooser in such detail now it is crystal clear. :smiley:

Regards Peter