Regular crashes using the layout editor

I have been working on some big world machine files, complex networks, rendering at about 8k in size.

Numerous times when I have been working in the layout editor i have been getting world machine to crash. This happens sometimes when i go from having one spline selected to selecting another. or if i have two layout shapes sitting ontop of each other, and i am trying to select between them by clicking a space where they both cross. this seems to happen weather its one small shape sitting inside a big shape, or if they are overlapping like a venn diagram and you’re clicking in the middle.

I’m not sure if this is a problem with the layout editor or if its that I am using a crazy amount of RAM while having large portions of my terrain built.

Hi there,

Just to double check, have you upgraded to the most recent version ( (and the similar release on the dev channel) were quick patches to fix several issues, one of which was exactly what you describe. Double check and upgrade if necessary and see if the issue stops.


that fixed the problem. thanks mate :slight_smile: