Resolution seems very low

Hello people,

i am fairly new at Worldmachine (just purchased it yesterday). I’m quite excited about the prospect of working with this piece of software since i have watched a few tutorial videos before and the result was amazing! I’ve just run into a problem so far, namely that the resolution of my creations seem very low.
Some of you might say to turn up the world resolution at world parameters, but i dont think thats is.
You see ive been comparing the resolution in a few worldmachine videos on youtube and that of mine. Each time both me and the videomaker were using 512x512 resolution; yet their creation seemed much more detailed.

I would appreciate it if anyone could help me out!

Hi there,

Most likely I believe what you are discovering is that resolution is only half the discussion: the apparent detail in your world is also impacted by the size of the area you are rendering. A 512x512 small section of a world can be very detailed, while 512x512 to cover the entire earth would be hopelessly low resolution. The detail scale is reported right below the resolution slider; see if you can compare your detail in meters per pixel against the examples you’re comparing to to see if you aren’t just trying to cover more terrain than they are.

In any case, the tradeoff is simple: increase the resolution, or reduce the world size of the area you are trying to build.



thanks for the response. I did check to see if the amount of meters per pixel was roughly the same between my file and that of the youtuber.
Theirs was roughly 19, mine was roughly 20. Then i noticed, after using a low breakup scale on my layout generator (i tried to rule out any other variables by making a small valley just like he did), that there was a high resolution for a brief moment, only to be blurred again after half a second.

I attached an image where you can see the difference (mine is on the right).
If you look closely at the right image you can see that certain parts are rendered in high resolution, while most of it is blurred out. I believe that that is the issue, although once again i wouldnt know where to look to fix it.

Aah, I understand now.

The layout view is just a preview of your world; all of its contents should be considered a “rough view” of whatever your final building results are. Zooming in and out will pop the detail to a higher or lower stage than before. When you make changes, WM should be progressively refining the view until it all reaches the target resolution.

You can control how detailed the layout view gets by going to preferences -> Graphics Options -> layout/explorer active resolution.


the problem seems to be fixed now, thanks for the help! Although aside from having a low active resolution, i think another issue was that the ‘bake lighting into terrain’ option was somehow enabled.
I still don’t get as high a resolution as the picture i gave you earlier, although i think that’s related to my relatively old PC (and graphics card). After adding the perlin and erosion devices, and then rendering on 512x512, i did get a pretty good result regardless.